Tal Inbar

Tal Inbar is an expert in space and missile programs, with nearly 30 years of experience. He led the Space and UAV Research Center at Israel’s Fisher Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies.

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servicesEmpowering The Industry with Technichal Intelligence Reports

Monitoring, collection, research and technical analysis of missile, space and drone systems from around the world - with special emphasis on Iran and North Korea. Over 25 years of experience in the field provide a deep understanding and monitoring of global trends in these research areas
I founded the Ilan Ramon International Space Conference, together with the Israel Space Agency, and I have served on its academic committee since its inception - in 2006 until today. In addition, I have chaired sessions at a variety of conferences in Israel and around the world, on topics such as space, missiles, policy, and more
Lectures & Keynotes
A rich and updated database of unique lectures on a wide range of topics including space technologies, missile defense, thematic reviews in the field of ballistic missiles, emerging threats and trends. The lectures are aimed at a wide range of target audiences - from professional and focused audiences to the general public

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Tal Inbar

aboutThe Space as a mission

Tal Inbar, born on January 19, 1969, in Tel Aviv-Yafo, is a renowned expert in aerospace policy and missile technology. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science (1997) and a master’s in security studies (2002), both from Tel Aviv University. In 2003, he joined the Fisher Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies, leading the Space and UAV Research Center from 2007 until its closure in December 2018.

Inbar is a founding member of the Israeli Space Society and has been an AIAA associate since 1997. He has briefed the U.S. Congress and European Parliament committees on ballistic missile programs of nations like Iran and North Korea. A regular lecturer at international conferences, Inbar has contributed to the Israeli science magazine “Galileo” and serves on the editorial board of “Israel Defense” since 2011.

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MediaEnriching public knowledge is just as important as enhancing the expertise of professionals.

Inside Turkey’s Ballistic Missile Program
Tal Inbar and Yair Ramati note that Turkey is investing in ballistic m
Missiles, intelligence and nukes: Iran’s arms race reaches space
Years after its first satellite launch, Iran runs dual space programs;

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